Did you know that insecurity and lack of confidence can cause depression?
Increase self-confidence implies personal assessment based on the way you are and not in your physical appearance or things external to you.
Sometimes, we feel certain “envy” of people who are “beautiful” outside, but believe me, I’ve met a few, and to my surprise, those people were very unsafe.
Well all his personal value is focusing in your physique.
In this post, I will explain the effects give more value to the outside than the inside, and give you some ideas to increase security in yourself.
What is the problem of overestimating the physical over your person?
Well the physical changes. You can be very beautiful and not tomorrow. So?
Is today and not tomorrow vouchers?
Is today you have security in yourself and not tomorrow?
What are you basing your personal power? In something that does not depend on you?
For me, no sense.
But I understand that we do it without even being aware of it. For we are bombarded constantly by about social standards devoted especially to extol the beauty outside above the inside.
We further propose that you can only feel secure in yourself, when you meet certain “models” of outer beauty. Then you can have the feeling of “not measuring up,” not to comply with them.
And this creates a lot of frustration.
Also insecurity, because you away the true way to increase security in yourself.
How to get to base your security on your physical appearance?
As there are many reasons that can influence.
- You have received enough recognition of your physical
- The media blitz about beauty
- Nobody has valued your personality
- You have received many criticisms or demands on your person
- An education based on the mode of being and not being
- Etc
This general lack of recognition of your person, makes for that to be recognized and accepted, try to be the way that “other” (whether parents, friends, society …) want, forgetting, many times, even what you want.
But do not worry, it’s nothing serious.
All greater or lesser extent, it happened to us.
And you can change. Of course!
Outer beauty depends on inner beauty
Have you not ever heard this phrase?
I have always valued the quality of people: how they are, their treatment, the energy they give off …
Have you ever tried that you’re with someone and you feel really well?
What happened to you being with someone and not know exactly why but feel fatal after seeing it?
For me this has a lot to do with that inner beauty emanating people, not seen, but it feels.
When a person has worked inside, has had good role models, has been educated in values … all that makes express externally what internally.
But let’s get some practical suggestions:
How to increase self-confidence?
1. Declare your responsibility
From this moment, he declares aloud to yourself, that lack of security is something you can manage, and that you’ll take care of it.
There is nothing wrong in assuming that one feels insecure. Quite the opposite. That will be your starting point to get to your desired security (point).
2. Start by finding out what things make you feel insecure
It is important to do a little review, because often, the problem is so stressed that you do not have a minute to stop. But if you stop and ask yourself, can you find answers.
It is not always necessary to know why things happen to you, but sometimes can give you some global understanding, and can make changes much faster.
3. Try to get to thought or emotion that causes insecurity
Probably be a wrong thinking, a false belief, a trial … if yo revail it, you’ve made in your way and but can also reach the excitement and, from it, manage it as explained in this post.
4. Put the focus on your person
Your value as a person is intrinsic, you are worth, simply because you exist!
But the value is in you, in your person, in your being yen your way to express the world what you are and how you are. That’s the important thing.
So stop overvaluing your outer beauty, and remind yourself that it depends on inner beauty.
5. Rate your opinion about you, above that of others
This sounds easy, but also easy to be influenced by other people.
But tell me, Who knows you better than you?
Exactly, no one.
So you and only you, are responsible for what you choose to believe about yourself .
Others may have their point of view, but it’s up to you, the place where you place outside opinions. That is a choice, and you can always choose different.
6. Remember that the only possible comparison is with yourself
As I told you before, but I’ll I repeat because it is easy to forget.
There will always be more secure and less secure than you people. So you’ll always be in a position above or below. But that does not serve anything.
The important thing is that values your progress and if there is someone to whom you admire for their safety, have as a model reference, perhaps to follow in his footsteps or to ask how he has achieved, but your goal should not be to become clone another.
The goal is to increase self-confidence, being as you are.
7. Thank things that make you unique
It may not be as secure as you’d like, but there are plenty of things you are, and they are very good.
Look inside, look at the person you are, look at you with affection and thank those things that are worth to you, that make you unique.
Things you do not like, the will to change, because you assumed your responsibility in this regard, but begins to value everything you can.
8. Become actress and acts “as if”
The theater is a great tool to start practicing different roles and characters.
Create a character who already has the security you want, and give life to your day. What does your character? How do you feel?
Try to connect with the emotion of your actress and stick with it. From that emotion creates your movie, and live your day from your character.
The “as if” it will make the changes come faster.
Increase self-confidence, is not something that happens today for tomorrow requires. But every day a little practice, it will pass to value what is really important, that is, yourself.
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